Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2014 test tips

Everyone who plans to take the 2014 test should start on this page.   Read over thre tips THEN go right to tour the test.  When you click on  Tour the test, there is a great resource of sample style questions and info for students.  Student can try out drag and drop, see tabbed information, see the box for extended response format and try the functions available.  I had all the students in my fast track class try it out as a group and work through questions on Monday.  This gave me a chance to asses computer skills, typing skills and understanding of testing procedures.  (Try it out on Smart Board )
The tabbed browser is one of the most confusing pieces of the test.  It shows a pop up which does not allow the student to continue if they do not view all the info.  This is not possible if they do not realize the browsing is tabbed.  Look below where the red arrow is located for placement of tab.  Students must open all 3 on this sample.  So far two of my students have take the GED ready and both have had issues with this even after taking this tutorial.  Please have all students try it out teachers.  Students... don't forget to check for TABS!!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

2nd GED ready results z

A chart as shown above may be given to a student on GED Science test and then the student will be asked an extended response question concerning hte gases.  For example, if this is repersentative of gases given off which gases most helps the develpoment of plants near and around the volcano?  With that thought in mind in a short response summarize the chart and passage that accompany it.  Write a hypothesis explaining  which gases help plant life to be very fertile around  inactive volcanos.  Students would be expected to craft an answer that makes sense and completely responds to both parts of the  prompt.  
Students start with summarizing.  It  is a skill that must be learned.  After that they still have to interpret th chart, and explain the reasoning behind the hypothesis.  Many students would do one part or the other but fail to complete respond to both questions. 
Both of my students who have printed results from the 2014 GED ready have failed to answer one part of the question.  As an educator I must prepare them for to answer both parts.  Unpacking the prompt is a group focus this week.  

2014 GED Science

We finally got the last results for the 2002 GED series!! I have kicked off the 2014 series and tested my first student in the GED ready yesterday. I am learning a lot about the2014 series test one question at a time. I am really working on developing lesson plans that will help students with the extended response for the Science test this week. I think the key is to use many graphs and charts with real data and teach students to interpret what the data might mean.

 On all the new tests students should carefully check to make sure they have read all information on all of the tabs at the top of the screen. If not, a reminder window will appear to remind the student they have not yet completed viewing the entire question. The process of answering the extneded resoponse prompt is similar to the process of answering an essay question in Language Arts test.  Students start by reading CLOSELY the information given, and they must also acces the charts, graphs, or other visual repersentations given.  They will start by unpacking the prompt.  This means take a moment to figure out the question and break it down into simple terms.  Organize it on your scrap paper or wipe board. 

There should be at least three points that are available to include in this response as they are scored on a 3-point scale.  One point for each correct facet or answer.  Each individual question will have a scoring guide that is unique to it, but look for 3 ideas as it is gennerally a 3 point scale for the question.  Be specific in your answer and include wording for the document or chart as the rubric will be looking specifically for scientific explanations of concetps to show your understanding of the  reading and any accompaning graphics.  Also be sure to write in complete sentences as the computer will be scoring your grammar and spelling.

More to come on the extended response for science!!!  Handouts can be found in class!!!
