Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Hudson!  I have not been blogging regularly lately... getting back to school at Glasgow has had me too busy!  I am sorry!  I am trying to get back into the habit! 
This coming week we will have several taking the Official Practice test and the official GED!  Best Wishes to them!  I know you can do it!  This is your time!!! 
We are beginning to plan our 2nd graduation in December!  Shout out to Montoria Saunders the OASIS worker for Glasgow for helping us get it planned.  It is going to be a lot of fun and there will be caps and gowns for all you hard working people!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

y= mx + b

I know you are singing this and doing the motions, so you don't forget the equation of a straight line!!!
Congratulations to the second class for doing so great on the Slope and intercept format!  This is a shout out to you guys for being persistent and working HARD!!!  I know that you, know y = mx + b and I know you can remember what all the other pieces of the puzzle are when solving these problems. 

Here are some practice algebra problems for you to ponder over the weekend.  I know that is all you want to this beautiful summer weekend! 
Click on this link and print if you want!  Enjoy!  Bring in any problems on Monday and we will go over!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Write the opening paragraph for an essay answering this prompt.

Why do you think that radio continues to be popular in the age of television? Include examples from personal experiences and oberservations.

We will discuss the first paragraph tomorrow in class!  Have a good night.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Check out this link if you need more practice on measurement!  You will have these type of questions on your tests as you climb the stairsteps of success!  Tomorrow I will be posting a GED prompt for you  to practice your writing! 

Don't forget that the more you practice now... the better when it is test day.  There is now cramming for the GED test! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Welcome to Hudson Center GED blog

Welcome to our class blog.  This will be the place where we can interact easily and quickly with each other.   It will be a place where we can all learn and grow.  Many of the websites, worksheets and links that I recommend in class will be available all in one place, right here!

There will essay prompts and feedback available for writing posts! Get buckled up!  It is going to be a great ride and excellent resource for you!!! 
This week the early class has been working on measurement!

The later class has been working on slope and intercept!

Will you use this blog to keep up with our class? free polls 
